with English and Indonesian languange .. for those of you who wants me to tag this note .. please tell me ^^
Kim Jong Woon - Yesung funny stories ::
A little kid who lived in Super Junior's neighborhood saw Yesung walking into the dorm and kindly told him, "Hey, you know that Super Junior lives there, right?"
Seorang anak kecil yang tinggal di daerah Super Junior melihat Yesung berjalan ke arah dorm (Super Junior) dan dengan sopan berkata, "Hey, kamu tau kan kalau Super Junior tinggal disitu?"
Yesung and this kid were in the elevator together. Yesung asked him what singer he liked.
"Super Junior," the kid replied.
"Who in Super Junior is your favorite?" "Yesung."
Yesung was about to give him his autograph when the kid asked, "so who are you by the way?"
Yesung dan anak tersebut berada di dalam lift yang sama. Yesung bertanya pada anak kecil itu tentang penyanyi yang disukainya.
"Super Junior," jawab anak kecil itu.
"Siapa yang menjadi favoritmu di Super junior?"
Tadinya Yesung ingin memberikan anak tersebut tanda tangannya tetapi anak tersebut bertanya, "Lalu omong-omong kamu itu siapa?"
One time during Twins promotion, sasaeng* fans found Yesung wandering on the streets.
"What's wrong?" They asked him.
"I forgot where I live."
The fans had to guide him to the dorm.
Sewaktu promosi singel Twins, para "x-treme" fans menemukan Yesung yang terbengong - bengong di jalan.
"Ada apa?" tanya mereka.
"Aku lupa dimana aku tinggal."
Akhirnya para fans tersebut yang menunjukkan dan mengantar ia kembali ke dorm.
Seeing that no one was recognizing him on the streets, Yesung called Kangin, literally screaming into his phone. "Oh, hey, KANGIN!"
Karena merasa tidak ada satu orang-pun yang mengenalnya di jalan, Yesung memanggil Kangin, masalahnya dia berteriak di teleponnya. "Oh, hey, KANGIN!"
When Yesung was in high school, he bleached his hair and wore a helmet to school to avoid getting caught. The teacher asked him to take it off, so he responded "I can't, my head's too big."
Sewaktu Yesung masih duduk di bangku SMA, dia mewarnai rambutnya dan menggunakan helm ke sekolah agar tidak diketahui (guru). Gurunya meminta dirinya untuk melepaskan helm tersebut, jadi dia berkata "Aku tidak bisa, kepalaku terlalu besar."
On Yesung's birthday, his parents came to the broadcast station. But they had come to see Shin Hyesung's comeback stage, not their son.
Pada hari ulang tahun Yesung, orang tuanya datang ke tempat broadcast.Tetapi mereka datang untuk melihat Shin Hyesung comeback stage, bukan untuk anaknya.
Kim Hee Chul - Heechul funny stories ::
Heechul once dressed up as a girl to be able to go out on a date with his girlfriend unrecognized. Apparently it worked, and he"strutted around the streets" in his disguise while proudly holding his girlfriend's hand.
Sekali waktu Heechul berpenampilan sebagai wanita agar dia bisa kencan dengan pacarnya tanpa diketahui orang lain. Dan itu sangat berfungsi, dia berteriak-teriak di jalan sambil dengan bangga menggandeng tangan pacarnya.
Before debut, the members played a bet that Heechul could go into the womens' bathroom without being questioned. When Heechul walked in, one of the women in the bathroom looked at him and murmured, "wow, she's tall."
Sebelum debut, para member bertaruh kalau Heechul bisa masuk ke toilet wanita tanpa banyak dipertanyakan. Sewaktu Heechul masuk ke dalam (toilet wanita) tersebut, salah satu wanita di dalam toilet tersebut melihat Heechul dan berkata, "wow, dia (wanita) tinggi."
Heechul's girlfriend complained that he was a terrible kisser, so Heechul asked Kibum to practice kissing with him. For three consecutive months.
Pacar Heechul protes bahwa dia bukan "pencium" yang baik, maka Heechul meminta Kibum untuk berlatih ciuman bersamanya. Untuk tiga bulan (?)
A fan went to an autograph signing event to get Heechul's autograph. Freaking out upon seeing Heechul, she started screaming "Kim Heechul! Look over here! Kim Heechul!" Heechul shouted back, "How old are you! How dare you not use honorifics!"
Seorang fans datang ke acara tanda tangan event untuk mendapatkan tanda tangan Heechul. Karena tergila-gila bisa melihat Heechul, dia mulai berteriak "Kim Heechul! Lihatlah kemari! Kim Heechul!" Maka Heechul berteriak kembali, "Berapa umurmu! Sampai-sampai kau tidak menggunakan (oppa)!"
Lee Hyuk Jae - Eunhyuk funny stories ::
Two girls were walking on the Chungdam streets when they saw some dude that really looked like Eunhyuk walking towards them. One of the girls said, "Oh yeah, the Eunhyuk guy in Super Junior...what was his height again? 173? 174? 176?"
The guy whispered "176″ as he passed by.
You guessed it right, that was Eunhyuk.
Dua orang gadis berjalan di Chungdam saat mereka melihat seorang pria yang terlihat mirip Eunhyuk berjalan di depan mereka. Salah satu gadis tersebut berkata, "Oh yeah, Eunhyuk dari Super Junior...berapa tingginya?" 173? 174? 176?"
Pria tersebut menghampiri "176" lalu berjalan pergi.
Ya kau benar, pria itu adalah Eunhyuk.
During the Pajama Party promotion, Eunhyuk, fully in his stage costume (with the hair, makeup and everything) was sitting in the green room eating ice cream. One of the newbie staffs came up to him and asked him where his parents were.
Saat promosi Pajama Party, Eunhyuk, yang sudah lengkap dengan kostum panggungnya (dengan rambut ditata, makeup dan semuanya) duduk di ruang tunggu sambil memakan es krim. Salah satu staff yang baru datang kepadanya dan bertanya dimana orang tuanya.
Park Jung Soo - Leeteuk funny story ::
Once Donghae and Heechul had a huge fight in the dorms, throwing things at each other. Then after five minutes they forgave each other and went out. Leeteuk was the one to clean up all the mess.
Saat Donghae dan Heechul bertengkar hebat di dorm, mereka saling melempar barang. Lalu setelah lima menit kemudian mereka saling memaafkan dan pergi keluar. Leeteuk salah satunya yang harus membereskan semua yang berantakan.
Kim Ryeo Wook - Ryeowook funny stories ::
Ryeowook and Kibum use honorifics to each other. "Please take care, sir." "You too, sir."
Ryeowook dan Kibum menggunakan (ssi) satu sama lainnya. "Hati-hatilah, tuan." "Kamu juga, tuan."
Ryeowook once got drunk and threw up all over on his endorsed clothes.
Saat itu Ryeowook sedang mabuk dan dia membuka semua baju sponsornya.
Lee Sung Min - Sungmin funny stories ::
When he gets bored, Sungmin opens the window of his van and shouts "We are Super Juni-OR!" to random people on the street.
Kalau dia bosan, Sungmin akan membuka jendela mobilnya dan berteriak "Kami adalah Super Juni-OR!" ke semua orang di jalan.
Sungmin was drunk and started acting cute in front of Heechul, who in turn got annoyed and bitch-slapped him.
Sungmin sangat mabuk dan dia mulai beraksi imut di depan Heechul, yang akhirnya merasa terganggu dan akhirnya menampar (Sungmin).
Lee Dong Hae - Donghae funny story ::
Back when Donghae had really long hair, his fans were always begging him to cut it. So one time at the airport, his fans spotted him and told him to please get a haircut. Donghae freaked out and shouted, "but I did! I did get a haircut! I just got one this morning! I got a haircut! I did!"
Kembali pada saat Donghae memliki rambut panjang, para fasnya selalu meminta agar dia memotong rambutnya. Satu saat di airport, fansnya bertemu dengannya dan berkata agar dia memotong rambutnya. Donghae kesal dan berteriak, "tetapi aku sudah! Aku sudah memotong rambutku! Aku baru memotongnya pagi ini! Aku sudah memotong rambutku! Sudah!"
Han Geng - Hankyung funny stories ::
When Hangeng first started his Korean Cyworld, he posted up his username and password as a blog entry: "My Cyworld is all yours ^^"
Sewaktu Hangeng menggunakan Cyworld Korea-nya untuk pertama kali, dia membuat username dan passwornya sebagai blog entry-nya: "Seluruh Cyworld-ku adalah milikmu ^^"
The first time Hangeng went to China after debut, he asked his Chinese staffs where the bathroom was... in Korean.
Waktu itu pertama kalinya Hangeng kembali ke Cina setelah debut, dan dia bertanya kepada staff China dimana toilet... menggunakan (bahasa) Korea.
Kim Young Woon - Kangin funny story ::
Kangin was in a taxi when the radio station started to play "Don't Don". The taxi driver turned the radio right off complaining, "why is this song so damn loud?"
Kangin berada di dalam taksi, lalu saat itu radio di dalam taksi tersebut memutar lagu "Don't Don". Sang supir taksi langsung mematikan radio tersebut dan komplain, "mengapa lagu itu sangat keras?"
A little kid who lived in Super Junior's neighborhood saw Yesung walking into the dorm and kindly told him, "Hey, you know that Super Junior lives there, right?"
Seorang anak kecil yang tinggal di daerah Super Junior melihat Yesung berjalan ke arah dorm (Super Junior) dan dengan sopan berkata, "Hey, kamu tau kan kalau Super Junior tinggal disitu?"
Yesung and this kid were in the elevator together. Yesung asked him what singer he liked.
"Super Junior," the kid replied.
"Who in Super Junior is your favorite?" "Yesung."
Yesung was about to give him his autograph when the kid asked, "so who are you by the way?"
Yesung dan anak tersebut berada di dalam lift yang sama. Yesung bertanya pada anak kecil itu tentang penyanyi yang disukainya.
"Super Junior," jawab anak kecil itu.
"Siapa yang menjadi favoritmu di Super junior?"
Tadinya Yesung ingin memberikan anak tersebut tanda tangannya tetapi anak tersebut bertanya, "Lalu omong-omong kamu itu siapa?"
One time during Twins promotion, sasaeng* fans found Yesung wandering on the streets.
"What's wrong?" They asked him.
"I forgot where I live."
The fans had to guide him to the dorm.
Sewaktu promosi singel Twins, para "x-treme" fans menemukan Yesung yang terbengong - bengong di jalan.
"Ada apa?" tanya mereka.
"Aku lupa dimana aku tinggal."
Akhirnya para fans tersebut yang menunjukkan dan mengantar ia kembali ke dorm.
Seeing that no one was recognizing him on the streets, Yesung called Kangin, literally screaming into his phone. "Oh, hey, KANGIN!"
Karena merasa tidak ada satu orang-pun yang mengenalnya di jalan, Yesung memanggil Kangin, masalahnya dia berteriak di teleponnya. "Oh, hey, KANGIN!"
When Yesung was in high school, he bleached his hair and wore a helmet to school to avoid getting caught. The teacher asked him to take it off, so he responded "I can't, my head's too big."
Sewaktu Yesung masih duduk di bangku SMA, dia mewarnai rambutnya dan menggunakan helm ke sekolah agar tidak diketahui (guru). Gurunya meminta dirinya untuk melepaskan helm tersebut, jadi dia berkata "Aku tidak bisa, kepalaku terlalu besar."
On Yesung's birthday, his parents came to the broadcast station. But they had come to see Shin Hyesung's comeback stage, not their son.
Pada hari ulang tahun Yesung, orang tuanya datang ke tempat broadcast.Tetapi mereka datang untuk melihat Shin Hyesung comeback stage, bukan untuk anaknya.
Kim Hee Chul - Heechul funny stories ::
Heechul once dressed up as a girl to be able to go out on a date with his girlfriend unrecognized. Apparently it worked, and he"strutted around the streets" in his disguise while proudly holding his girlfriend's hand.
Sekali waktu Heechul berpenampilan sebagai wanita agar dia bisa kencan dengan pacarnya tanpa diketahui orang lain. Dan itu sangat berfungsi, dia berteriak-teriak di jalan sambil dengan bangga menggandeng tangan pacarnya.
Before debut, the members played a bet that Heechul could go into the womens' bathroom without being questioned. When Heechul walked in, one of the women in the bathroom looked at him and murmured, "wow, she's tall."
Sebelum debut, para member bertaruh kalau Heechul bisa masuk ke toilet wanita tanpa banyak dipertanyakan. Sewaktu Heechul masuk ke dalam (toilet wanita) tersebut, salah satu wanita di dalam toilet tersebut melihat Heechul dan berkata, "wow, dia (wanita) tinggi."
Heechul's girlfriend complained that he was a terrible kisser, so Heechul asked Kibum to practice kissing with him. For three consecutive months.
Pacar Heechul protes bahwa dia bukan "pencium" yang baik, maka Heechul meminta Kibum untuk berlatih ciuman bersamanya. Untuk tiga bulan (?)
A fan went to an autograph signing event to get Heechul's autograph. Freaking out upon seeing Heechul, she started screaming "Kim Heechul! Look over here! Kim Heechul!" Heechul shouted back, "How old are you! How dare you not use honorifics!"
Seorang fans datang ke acara tanda tangan event untuk mendapatkan tanda tangan Heechul. Karena tergila-gila bisa melihat Heechul, dia mulai berteriak "Kim Heechul! Lihatlah kemari! Kim Heechul!" Maka Heechul berteriak kembali, "Berapa umurmu! Sampai-sampai kau tidak menggunakan (oppa)!"
Lee Hyuk Jae - Eunhyuk funny stories ::
Two girls were walking on the Chungdam streets when they saw some dude that really looked like Eunhyuk walking towards them. One of the girls said, "Oh yeah, the Eunhyuk guy in Super Junior...what was his height again? 173? 174? 176?"
The guy whispered "176″ as he passed by.
You guessed it right, that was Eunhyuk.
Dua orang gadis berjalan di Chungdam saat mereka melihat seorang pria yang terlihat mirip Eunhyuk berjalan di depan mereka. Salah satu gadis tersebut berkata, "Oh yeah, Eunhyuk dari Super Junior...berapa tingginya?" 173? 174? 176?"
Pria tersebut menghampiri "176" lalu berjalan pergi.
Ya kau benar, pria itu adalah Eunhyuk.
During the Pajama Party promotion, Eunhyuk, fully in his stage costume (with the hair, makeup and everything) was sitting in the green room eating ice cream. One of the newbie staffs came up to him and asked him where his parents were.
Saat promosi Pajama Party, Eunhyuk, yang sudah lengkap dengan kostum panggungnya (dengan rambut ditata, makeup dan semuanya) duduk di ruang tunggu sambil memakan es krim. Salah satu staff yang baru datang kepadanya dan bertanya dimana orang tuanya.
Park Jung Soo - Leeteuk funny story ::
Once Donghae and Heechul had a huge fight in the dorms, throwing things at each other. Then after five minutes they forgave each other and went out. Leeteuk was the one to clean up all the mess.
Saat Donghae dan Heechul bertengkar hebat di dorm, mereka saling melempar barang. Lalu setelah lima menit kemudian mereka saling memaafkan dan pergi keluar. Leeteuk salah satunya yang harus membereskan semua yang berantakan.
Kim Ryeo Wook - Ryeowook funny stories ::
Ryeowook and Kibum use honorifics to each other. "Please take care, sir." "You too, sir."
Ryeowook dan Kibum menggunakan (ssi) satu sama lainnya. "Hati-hatilah, tuan." "Kamu juga, tuan."
Ryeowook once got drunk and threw up all over on his endorsed clothes.
Saat itu Ryeowook sedang mabuk dan dia membuka semua baju sponsornya.
Lee Sung Min - Sungmin funny stories ::
When he gets bored, Sungmin opens the window of his van and shouts "We are Super Juni-OR!" to random people on the street.
Kalau dia bosan, Sungmin akan membuka jendela mobilnya dan berteriak "Kami adalah Super Juni-OR!" ke semua orang di jalan.
Sungmin was drunk and started acting cute in front of Heechul, who in turn got annoyed and bitch-slapped him.
Sungmin sangat mabuk dan dia mulai beraksi imut di depan Heechul, yang akhirnya merasa terganggu dan akhirnya menampar (Sungmin).
Lee Dong Hae - Donghae funny story ::
Back when Donghae had really long hair, his fans were always begging him to cut it. So one time at the airport, his fans spotted him and told him to please get a haircut. Donghae freaked out and shouted, "but I did! I did get a haircut! I just got one this morning! I got a haircut! I did!"
Kembali pada saat Donghae memliki rambut panjang, para fasnya selalu meminta agar dia memotong rambutnya. Satu saat di airport, fansnya bertemu dengannya dan berkata agar dia memotong rambutnya. Donghae kesal dan berteriak, "tetapi aku sudah! Aku sudah memotong rambutku! Aku baru memotongnya pagi ini! Aku sudah memotong rambutku! Sudah!"
Han Geng - Hankyung funny stories ::
When Hangeng first started his Korean Cyworld, he posted up his username and password as a blog entry: "My Cyworld is all yours ^^"
Sewaktu Hangeng menggunakan Cyworld Korea-nya untuk pertama kali, dia membuat username dan passwornya sebagai blog entry-nya: "Seluruh Cyworld-ku adalah milikmu ^^"
The first time Hangeng went to China after debut, he asked his Chinese staffs where the bathroom was... in Korean.
Waktu itu pertama kalinya Hangeng kembali ke Cina setelah debut, dan dia bertanya kepada staff China dimana toilet... menggunakan (bahasa) Korea.
Kim Young Woon - Kangin funny story ::
Kangin was in a taxi when the radio station started to play "Don't Don". The taxi driver turned the radio right off complaining, "why is this song so damn loud?"
Kangin berada di dalam taksi, lalu saat itu radio di dalam taksi tersebut memutar lagu "Don't Don". Sang supir taksi langsung mematikan radio tersebut dan komplain, "mengapa lagu itu sangat keras?"
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